মামুদপুর, ক্ষেতলাল
উপজেলা নির্বাহী অফিসার, ক্ষেতলাল, জয়পুরহাট। ফোনঃ ০৫৭২৩-৫৬০০৮ মোবাইলঃ ০১৭৭৪৮১৩৭২৯
The pond (Dighi) is situated at Mamudpur Union of Khetlal Upazila in Joypurhat District. Its total area of land is 25.50 acres. This 1100 feet long & 1070 feet wide dighi was dug probably around 1200 years ago under the patronization of Manu Bhatto, a member of Tahirpur royal family. When it was re-excavated in 1992, twelve statues were found and those are now preserved in different museums of the country. The clear water and numerous trees around the pond have created a scenic natural view which attracts all.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS